Is your website failing to convert as well as it should? From poor sales copy to a lack of rich media, there are a variety of factors that can hurt your landing page’s average conversion rate. On the other hand, there are a variety of factors that can drastically improve its performance by encouraging sales, leads, and service enquiries.


If you’re struggling to get the optimum conversion rate from your website’s landing page, consider adding one (or all) of these three powerful on-site elements:


  1. 1. An informational video


Customers like being told how your product or service works. Customers love being shown how it works. One of the easiest ways to immediately boost your conversion rate is to add a short, simple, and user-friendly informational video.


Put together a simple one to two minute video that explains the benefits of what you sell, and place it prominently on your landing page. Split test between a play button, an automatic video, and an HTML5 video widget for the optimum conversion rate.


  1. 2. A ‘chat with us’ widget


Have you ever visited a landing page and received a message from the company’s sales department? Those messages aren’t computerized – for the most part, they connect you to a real representative that can provide answers.


If you have an online sales or customer service department that’s going to be alert and ready throughout the day, install a live chat script on your homepage and give them the ability to directly communicate with prospects in real time.


  1. 3. An action-driven order form


Did you know that action-driven order forms – lead generation forms that make use of action-driven language – have higher conversion rates? Changing the wording of your order form is a great way to quickly and easily boost your conversions.


Instead of having a bland ‘your name’ section, change your form to read like a real conversion. Use ‘my name is…’ to learn into the name section, ‘my phone number is’ in the phone section, and so on to experience a noticeable conversion boost.